Monday, October 02, 2006

A smart spam!

In general before trashing the spam mails I waste some of my time looking at those! Few days back I got this rather different kind of spam. Perhaps the spammer had picked sentences randomly from various articles. And at the end it resulted in a total non-sense. Being a great fan of Sukumar Ray, I have some fascination for non-sense world. I am not sure whether the spammer tried to show his creativity or just to annoy people by this spam. But I have found this funny. Most of the sentences has some meaning (some time they are quite powerful, I think). But when you try to integrate the whole thing it just becomes a stupid mess! Any way here I post the whole message. Happy reading!

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 16:44:31 +0200
From: Charlotte Obrien <>
To: sahid...
Subject: ecosystem counterpart

Later on, remote scripting was taken to newer heights by other talented programmers, and eventually, AJAX was the result. Learn to edit HTML code by hand.
Specify image WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes for faster loading in the browser.
We all know we have to have a website, but are we using this venue to its greatest advantage? The human voice penetrates the clutter and embeds itself in your prospect's consciousness.
We all know we have to have a website, but are we using this venue to its greatest advantage?
You may not have the resources or budget to do them all now, but you can build your site up over time.
Email, print, check from your mobile phone, subscribe via RSS, and share with others.
The human voice penetrates the clutter and embeds itself in your prospect's consciousness.
The layout of a CMS is highly recognizable, but also limited by the standard boxes and format that you can choose from.
Disable Session State if not using sessions.
Each character adds to the size of the web page and to the load time.
The human voice penetrates the clutter and embeds itself in your prospect's consciousness. What I was shocked to find when viewing this link, was that basically our entire website was duplicated on this site.
But it's more likely that one tiny ad simply isn't enough to build sales. People want it short, quick, and precise. A CMS requires knowledge, constant upgrades because of new editions of the CMS that come to the market and in order to use the latest features you need to upgrade.
Does Your Website Have A Purpose?
Some of the code runs on the front end, some runs on the back end, and some runs somewhere in between. Think of it as a work in progress.
Use SQL Server or another professional level database over Access. How could this happen when you didn't change a thing? There are situations in which you rather would not use one. Combine images and use image maps instead of segmenting images, remembering that each image loaded is a connection between the web browser and the web server. They believe a website is a marketing silver bullet.
If Sessions are not used in your application, remove these two methods since they will be compiled and executed even when empty. Our ability to retain information is severely compromised by a new world order of constant contact.
IsPostBack to prevent code from being needlessly executed.
Each character adds to the size of the web page and to the load time. Once these are found and flagged, they are investigated for any infringement.
Use comments sparingly.
Use SQL Server or another professional level database over Access. How could this happen when you didn't change a thing? There are situations in which you rather would not use one. Combine images and use image maps instead of segmenting images, remembering that each image loaded is a connection between the web browser and the web server. They believe a website is a marketing silver bullet.
If Sessions are not used in your application, remove these two methods since they will be compiled and executed even when empty. Our ability to retain information is severely compromised by a new world order of constant contact.
IsPostBack to prevent code from being needlessly executed.
Each character adds to the size of the web page and to the load time. Once these are found and flagged, they are investigated for any infringement.

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