Saturday, March 17, 2007

My first wikipedia article

Few months back I thought of adding an article on my school in wikipedia. For some time I was thinking of writing on this experience. This post is not exactly a how-to-write-a-wikipedia-article, rather it's to tell what I learnt writing a wikipedia article.

Initially I digged hard and got an article on www on my school. I read and liked it. I started writing the article based on it. Later that turned out to be a big mistake. Problem is when you start doing something based on some other existing work, most probably your present work is bound to get influenced by the existing one. Editing is a difficult job indeed! After finishing the article, I found it has been flagged for copyright violation due to some right reasons. Though no one knew I had some such thing, but I felt extremely embarrassing. To remedy this, I decided to rewrite it but this time it must be totally from scratch. It really helped. It was much better an article.

Moral of the story I learnt is to write something in wiki, it's best to start from scratch. You need to be very careful about this copyright stuffs. You can not avoid copying always, in those cases be fare. Refer the references from your article.

Another thing I learnt is importance of objectivity. When you relate yourself to something, you often become personal in your point of view. That's what happened to me. School being one of my favourite thing, subconsciously I was trying to glorify it. Which can be true, but wikipedia is not the place to post my opinions. Being so you loose the objectivity, which is the main objective of wikipedia (in broad sense for every encyclopedia).

After all this self taught lessons, I was able to write a fresh article and get rid of copyright violation flag. If you are wondering what is this article, here is the link for you.

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